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The Way It Melts

with Tuuli Malla

A site specific performance and a final work at Goldsmiths University Performance Making MA. In its primary form the piece was 45 minutes long and was composed of two parts - an audio guided coach journey to the site and the walk down the river. The collaboration between Tuuli Malla and Dominika Kieruzel was born of their independant contemplations  of death.

Tuuli Malla takes shape of sort of a pelgrim who follows the stream of the river in a hallucinating passage. Her movement is monotonous and delcate, a strange dance is ignited by the contact of her feet with the bottom of the river. Her passage mirrors the movement of water: a constant, unforgiving movement. 'The water doesn't want to listen, it keeps flowing'. As she passes, the birds wake up to life and intensify their song. 

Something in this piece points to a time in life when reality touches us like a cold metal on skin, a wall. 

The title of the work comes from from Timothy Morton's interpretation of Bjork's song 'Aurora' 

'Fill the mouth with snow
The way
I wish
To melt into you'

In their published email exchange titled 'This Huge Sunlit Abyss From the Future Right There Next To You...'  Tim Morton talks about Bjork's song: 'The description of the snow in' Aurora', leaves the snow be exactly what it is, yet at the same time there is this tantalising sensual appearance, yet on can't quite grasp it, which is why it's beautiful'. 

This work started from the artists' personal experiences but it was created through contemplation of the river itself, through the interaction with the river and with its environment, the birds, the animals, the people.


Tuuli Malla in Ladywell Fields, film still, camera Oscar Oldershaw

Improvisation text by Dominika Kieruzel


Photo transfer, hand on stone, Dominika Kieruzel and JF Payne

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